Home logos section
- Original Color of the logos : Black
- Logos Listhas "filters : invert" css function
- when you replace these images, if you want them to respect their original color you have to reset this function
All pages (except home) : loader
- Open the Loader Component
- Set it to Flex
- Replace 1001 ways logo by yours
- Set the Loader Component back to None
SVG's icons
In the style guide you will find utility svg icons
- The different svg embed sizes of icons present in the style guide are (in terms of classes) : "Icon Embed Xxsmall" ; "Icon Embed Xsmall" ; "Icon Embed Small" ; "Icon Embed Medium" ; "Icon Embed Large" ; "Icon Embed Xlarge"
- To change the color of an icon, either you can modify the colors of the project by going to the variables in the left panel, or you can add a combo class to these embed icons : "Text Color Secondary" or "Text Color Alternate". You can also create combo classes by yourself.